Perris Hills Pharmacy proudly announces the launch of it’s medication optimization and safe prescribe system called trust your meds program. This program aims to assist any individual in the design of a medication treatment plan that will let them get the most out of the modern advances in drug therapies and with the elimination of “danger zones” in the dispensation of newly prescribed drugs.
In 2018 the FDA approved a total number of 56 “novel drugs”, every year also, dozens of previously approved drugs get approval for the treatment of different and new conditions, while other drug makers constantly make changes to their original formulations. Add to this daily supplements and herbals to a treatment and the question arises, how do you know if you are taking the right meds?
Trust Your Meds program is comprised of:
Do you know if all your medications and supplements are safe, and up to date? - Don’t guess!
The trust your meds program makes sure you are taking the right medications through a private one-on-one, consultation with an expertly trained pharmacist that will review all the prescriptions, supplements & herbals you are taking, execute an evaluation and give you an assessment with suggestions to upgrade and options for substitutions when your current medications are approaching danger zones, This review is done with the help of your doctor and is executed every year after to ensure you are up to date.
Ensures newly prescribed medications are screened against the rest of your medications before dispensing, this reduces the probability of an individual suffering through side effects. If an issue arises Perris Hills Pharmacy immediately contacts the prescribing office to resolve the prescription as soon as possible
Perris Hills Pharmacy works with individuals and their prescribing doctor to ensure their medication treatment is the safest and most up to date. Our goal is to work as a team and assist anyone who is focused on a path to better health.
For more information on TRUST YOUR MEDS program, please click here.
Perris Hills Pharmacy
Taking Care Of People First